About Us
Our Mission
As empowered by the Spirit of the living God, we seek to reflect Jesus Christ who calls us to lives of justice and joy, and to embody what the Kin-dom of God might look like as we:
live generously, show hospitality, seek simplicity, act creatively, serve others, ask more questions than give answers, bear witness to the love, truth, and justice of God, and celebrate that which brings life and flourishing for all of God’s creations.
Our Vision
Congregants will tell you that by being part of this community of faith they have experienced:
The warmth of inclusive hospitality and radical welcome.
The joy of praise and thanksgiving.
The insights of wise, thoughtful preaching and teaching.
The embrace of sincere prayer.
The chance to serve and learn from one another.
The challenge to learn and grow in the love, knowledge, and service of God’s justice.
The support of a healing, inter-connected community amid life's transitions and challenges.
Our History
In July, 1851, the first official meeting of the group that was to become First Presbyterian Church was held in what was then known as Gilman’s Saloon on Main Street. Before moving to its present location, First Presbyterian Church of Hartford had three homes. After a brief stay at Gilman’s Saloon, the fellowship moved to the Washington Temperance Hall and from there to old South Baptist Church located on the corner of Main and Sheldon Streets.
In 1868, the chapel (now Hodge Hall) was built at the corner of Capitol Avenue and Clinton Street. In 1870, the current church sanctuary was built. The church was designed by Renwick and Sands of New York City, who also designed the Smithsonian Institution building in Washington, D.C., and St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, among other architectural feats.
The building is made of Vermont granite with a trim of Portland brownstone in a blending of Gothic and Romanesque architecture. An office wing was added in 1930.
The congregation was founded by, and continues to include, the immigrant communities of Hartford. The original members emigrated from Scotland, and since that time, the congregation has been comprised of people hailing from all over the world. First Presbyterian Church of Hartford is a More Light congregation and supports the work of Presbyterian Promise, celebrating LBGTQIA+ people in the church and society.
What We Believe
We believe that being formed in faith is a lifelong process, and that it is slightly mis-leading to declare that ‘we believe’ the same as each other, or even the same way throughout our own lives. You’ll read a bit about what ‘we believe’ here in language that leaves plenty of space for God’s transformative work in and through each of us. We can say, beyond any doubt, however, that we believe in God’s expansive welcome. This welcome is extended to each of us, and taken very literally within our community. We also consistently believe in the need to be ever-reforming, listening for voices of conscience and responding with God’s help and guidance. We believe that we come to know the new life God offers to us and to all the world through the rhythms of worship, prayer, scripture and learning, generosity, open-ness, activism, kindness and hospitality.
As a church we are governed by the polity of The Presbyterian Church (USA), which elects church officers – Elders, Ministers of Word and Sacrament, and Deacons—to representative governing bodies of the church. Ultimately, we believe that Christian faith is more a way of living than a set of fixed dogmas; that being Christian is an ongoing, unending pilgrimage toward God; and that there is plenty of space for us to be at various points in our understanding and practice. As pilgrims along the Way, we are all called to support each other, regardless of where we are on our differing journeys toward the love, knowledge, and service of God and the world. To learn more about our denomination, please visit the PC (USA) website, or reach out to Pastor Nancy with questions.
“Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.”
Strategic Directions
We strengthen our diversity by creating events and opportunities that encourage the sharing of our different cultures: their traditions, foodways, music, and practices.
We engage with the political institutions of greater Hartford as an expression of our Reformed tradition’s committee to the well-being of the society as a whole.
We communicate clearly and constantly with the congregation so everyone feels informed and invited to participate and stay informed; and so our decisions or policies are transparent and widely understood.
We stay connected with our graduating youth and young adults in a variety of ways, including invitations to serve on committees, the diaconate, and the Session.
We place a priority on developing new leaders by identifying and encouraging the gifts of newer participants and members, inviting them into helping with various events or activities, serving on committees, and sharing their gifts in worship.
We keep our committees active and fully engaged, particularly connecting to individuals who have indicated an interest in working with a particular group or committee so that our ministries are infused with new people and ideas.
We value the arts and infuse our worship and ministries with an emphasis on the arts.
We invest in maintaining and upgrading our physical building and grounds so that they are welcoming, safe, and inviting spaces for our own members or participants as well as the community around us.