“We aim to stretch as we grow by serving God and one another, AND reaching out to the broader community. We work to create opportunities and space to do both, seeking wholeness and connection WITHIN and WITHOUT.”
Our pop up choir leads worship several times per year. Opportunities for soloists, instrumentalists, and small ensembles are scheduled across the year. We have an incredible collection of djembes, offered by our Ghanaian congregants, and enjoy inter-generational drumming opportunities with our resident percussionist, Alber Baseel. We firmly believe that everyone is born a music-maker and encourage your participation. Please reach out to our Music Minister, Jen Brevik, to express an interest. Music participation is for all ages.
Liturgists assist in the reading of scripture and leading of prayers each Sunday. If you are interested, speak with the pastor, who coordinates this opportunity.
Volunteers provide set-up, clean-up, and light refreshments for our post-worship coffee fellowship each week. A sign-up list is posted in Hodge Hall where we gather for coffee and fellowship following worship.
Come to worship a few minutes early, and take your place at the front door, where you can practice welcoming others. As a greeter, you do just that: greet folx as they enter, orient worshipers to the space, and respond to any questions or concerns people may have as they enter our Sanctuary. Speak to our pastor about this ministry.
We will help you to organize a small group gathering in your home with church friends, as part of our Dinners for Eight. You may gather at the church or your home, and simply act as host. Connect with our YDS Student Intern, Alexis Schutz, for more information.
Throughout the year our Worship, Parish Life, and Faith Formation committees host special events. We frequently host speakers from partner organizations; gather for special worship and creative opportunities during Advent and Lent; host music concerts, Sound Bath, and Meditation opportunities; host a Maundy Tuesday Pancake Supper, Easter Breakfast & Egg Hunt, our Founders’ Sunday brunch, and much more. We’d love for you to offer your gifts and interests, and invite you to join in what is happening regularly at the church. Sign up for our weekly e-newsletter to stay updated about what’s happening, and join us!
Church is not only what we do within our building, but also without. We grow in faith as we commit to the world God envisions for us, where there is justice, mercy, and peace. So we work together outside of our walls. First Presbyterian Church of Hartford has a long, rich history of ministry in our city. As a founding church of what is now called Hands on Hartford, we are deeply committed to that organization, as well as several others. Read more below about how we reach out through our Service-Learning trips, on-campus giving, and how we partner with local and global organizations. We hope you’ll join us!
Matthew 25
FPCH is committed to the ethos of Matthew 25: to build congregational vitality, dismantle structural racism, and eradicate systemic poverty.
Covenant to Care for Children
FPCH commits annually to Covenant to Care and its mission to provide resources and services to neglected and impoverished children in CT.
Hands On Hartford
Each winter, FPCH’s members collect about 2,000 pounds of food during the “Souper Bowl of Caring” for Hands On Hartford’s Manna Food Pantry.
Heifer Project
FPCH’s support of Heifer International provides animals, tools, and training throughout the year to help families around the world transform their lives.
Walk Against Hunger
Each year our church organizes a team to raise funds for Connecticut Foodshare’s food bank.
Railing Ministry
FPCH members make and purchase scarves, hats, and gloves which are hung on the front railing of the church for anyone who needs them.
Small Food Pantry
Built by our Youth Group, the pantry is kept filled with food (and books) by members of our church and community, free to anyone in need.
Service Learning Trip
These trips are an opportunity for our Youth Group to experience new cultures and perspectives while contributing to a community in need.