Worship, Study, and Play
A Lifetime of Faith.
Worship with us in person and online
Join us for Sunday Worship each week at 10:30 a.m. Our services are hybrid (both in-person and via Zoom). Childcare in our Nursery is available every Sunday for ages infant to five. After Service, please join us for coffee and fellowship in Hodge Hall.
A few days prior, those on our newsletter list will receive a reminder and the Zoom link for the next worship service. Sign up for our emails here.
Links to recordings of past online services are hosted on our YouTube channel.
While Sunday Worship is what brings us together, the ways that we support and engage with our community, spend time in fellowship, and create opportunities to grow throughout the week are central to our life together as well. Check out the list below as well as our Ministries page.
Sunday Worship
At FPCH, you can expect to dwell in a truly sacred place. We regularly worship in a round formation, seated on pews that are re-positionable. This formation allows you to glimpse architectural, decorative, and stained-glass beauty. Our Communion Table often displays visual cues to scriptural themes, candles burning as a symbol of God’s presence among us in a time set apart, and opportunities to engage all five senses. You will hear and participate in a wide variety of musical styles, mostly drawn from the PCUSA’s Glory to God hymnal, heartfelt and connectional prayer, non-scriptural readings, as well as reading from our Holy Scripture, a meditation on how God is at work in our world, and an invitation to participate in the life of discipleship. Our style of worship varies but stays close to the Reformed tradition. As a community comprised of a very international bunch of disciples, we seek to include language and action that will make sense to many styles of knowing, hearing, learning, and sharing.
Children in Worship
We are an intergenerational community and believe that faith is “caught, not taught.” Children are not merely accepted but listened to and treasured as a vital part of God’s presence among us. This means careful attention to how different developmental ages and abilities hear Good News. We also believe that we are formed in faith throughout the entirety of our lifetimes.
All children and youth remain in worship on the First Sunday of each month when we celebrate Holy Communion. Many children take the bread and cup as soon as they are old enough to open their hands.
On all other Sundays between September and early June, children and youth remain in worship through The Early Word and are dismissed to church school classes.
Every Sunday, children and ‘their grown ups’ are invited to sit in that part of the worship circle that contains smaller seats and tables, our Prayground. Here, worshipers of all ages will find worship aids, carefully selected picture books, fidgets, seating comfortable for smaller body sizes, and ‘wrigglers’ as well. -
Music Ministry
Our Choir sings during worship services about two times each month. Our Music Minister Jen Brevik, a professionally-trained vocalist, teaches people with a variety of levels of experience. The choir’s role is to lead the congregation in worship, and they do so through many different styles of music. We believe that singing — and therefore, breathing together — is a glorious way to connect to one another and the Divine, and that every single human is a born music-maker.
As a multicultural congregation, we incorporate guest musicians for special events and ensembles. We are blessed to have a very accomplished organist, Dianne Ney, grace the organ bench regularly. You’ll hear a variety of sounds at FPCH: Reformed Protestant hymnody, classical European music, jazz-influenced anthems, African tunes and rhythms, Puerto Rican style bomba, brass additions to traditional arrangements, and African American spirituals, alongside more folksy sounds, and music from Taize and Iona.
We invite your musical interests as well! Please contact our Music Minister to find out more.
Sunday School
Children in grades K-5 and all youth in grades 6-12 are invited to classroom study time following the Early Word (about 15 minutes in to the worship service). On the first Sunday of each month (Communion Sunday) we celebrate together as a full community and there is no Sunday School. The Sunday School year runs from September through early June. Throughout the church year, they learn about what it means to be in community together as disciples seeking God’s justice and mercy. They learn through hands-on activities, a variety of books, lively discussions, multi-media lessons, and engagement with scripture.
Please note: All adults who work regularly with children have been checked for criminal records and we follow procedures that ensure the safety of children and youth, including the presence of two adults with children and youth in all classroom settings.
Children & Youth Activities
As an inter-generational community, we plan special gatherings, opportunities for service, singing, drum circle, and art for children and youth, alongside adults. There are also special activities for just children and families, and regular Youth Group gatherings. We aim to take Youth over 16 years old on Service Learning trips. We encourage our children in ministry to the community by supporting them taking the lead in collecting food items for the hungry in our annual Souper Bowl of Caring (here’s a video of their 2024 efforts) walking in the annual Walk Against Hunger, making blankets for those experiencing exposure to the cold, packing backpacks and Easter baskets, and collecting Christmas gifts for Connecticut children in need.
We offer the opportunity to participate in the process of Confirmation roughly every two years. The next Confirmation cohort will gather in Fall 2024.
Our Nursery is a special place. Supported by Birth-Three educator, Shannon Hopkins, our nursery offers high-quality care during worship and special events. In that space, children are free to play and learn, hear stories, and spend time with one another. We always have two adults in the space, and follow all Safe Church procedures.
Please note: All adults who work regularly with children have been checked for criminal records and we follow procedures that ensure the safety of children and youth, including the presence of two adults with children and youth in all classroom settings.
The Nursery opens one half hour before Service.
Adult Faith Formation
We offer a wide-ranging adult program of classes and special events. Our goals are to help our congregation be centered on God in and through Jesus Christ, to increase biblical understanding in ways that help us interpret contemporary issues in light of the Christian faith, and to provide us with tools and spiritual practices that help us to live our faith in the world.
From about September through June, a mid-week adult faith formation class meets from 6:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings. We gather in a hybrid format. This group is usually led by our pastor and student intern from Yale Divinity School. Click here to join our Zoom Bible Study.
Beginning January 2025, our Book Club is studying “When God Became White: Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity” by Grace Ji-Sun Kim. We meet Sundays from 12 to 1 pm in the Church Library.
Knit and Stitch
The FPCH family has several talented knitters and sewers! Our Knit and Stitch nights are open to all, at all levels. Learn to knit or stitch, work on a project or craft, or teach knitting or stitching.
No need to register in advance, just show up! We will provide needles and yarn, coffee, and tea.
In addition to working on your skills, you may wish to share your creations with the public through our Railing Ministry. Every winter we offer countless hand-knit scarves to people experiencing exposure to the cold elements.
Free! All are welcome. The group meets weekly during the school year in Hodge Hall. Check our Events page for the next date and time.
Fellowship Opportunities
We provide regular opportunities for congregants and friends to spend time with one another in fellowship. We have ‘fixed’ celebrations in our church life, such as weekly Coffee Hour following worship, our annual Pancake Supper, Strawberry Festival, Summer-time Ice Cream Social, Founders’ Day Luncheon, and Lent and Advent celebrations. Throughout the year we host special events such as a Healing Sound Bath, music concerts in our beautiful Sanctuary, group art projects, and meditation opportunities. We also organize small-group dinners and various outings.
Johnstone Hall is home to two beautiful PingPong tables, and all interested players are invited to use the tables after worship on Sundays.
What do you love to do? How do you like to recreate with friends? Bring your interests here and let’s engage them together!
Music Lessons with the Virtuosi@FPCH
We partner with the Virtuosi Music Academy to offer free or deeply discounted music lessons to members of our church.
In the 2024-2025 academic year, students have access to violin, viola, piano, drumset, and hand percussion lessons. They are also offered opportunities for group classes and music theory lessons.
Click here for more information and registration forms. Please note: anyone may register for these lessons!
More Points of Connection
Connect with First Presbyterian Church of Hartford via our weekly newsletter and on social media.