All are welcome and celebrated here!
We are building an open and caring multicultural and intergenerational community that spiritually nurtures people in worship, education, fellowship, and active involvement in service to our city.
Our roots reach back to 1851… our branches reach to the future.
As empowered by the Spirit of the living God, we seek to live lives of justice and joy, and to embody the Kin-dom of God by:
living generously, showing hospitality, seeking simplicity, acting creatively, serving others, asking more questions than giving answers, bearing witness to the love, truth, and justice of God, and celebrating that which brings life and flourishing for all of God’s Creation.
Visiting for the First Time
We’re glad you found us… come visit us in person! Information about visiting for the first time may be found here.
Who We Are
This is a welcoming Church, embracing every person entirely, including every age and stage, race, ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender identity, family status, economic situation, or theological viewpoint… seekers, doubters, ‘churched’ and ‘unchurched,’ you are welcome here. We are a member church of PC(USA). All church services and activities are open to everyone, members and non-members alike.
Our Ministries
We aim to serve the Hartford, local, and global community through our ministry together. By coming together in service, church members and volunteers work together to create a welcoming and supportive environment where everyone in the community is valued and cared for.
“God has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

Use this form to get in touch about visiting our church, attending an event or weekly worship services, renting one of our spaces, or if you have any questions about FPCH. We look forward to hearing from you!
Email: office@firstpreshartford.org
Phone: 860-246-2224